Smart Charger Pricing
This pricing calculator allows you to determine the price for any custom add ons to your Smart Charger. Please contact the Pure Energy Solar team with any questions at (352) 377-6527 or info@pureenergysolar.com. Shipping is calculated separately, and prices vary quite a bit depending on location, quantity, and other factors, so please call for assistance with a shipping estimate. We work with customers to locate the most cost-effective and convenient domestic and international shipping methods.
Smart Charger Pricing Calculator
Base model is powder coated silver and includes a 300-350 watt solar panel and 4 white LED lights, a 300 Watt Sinewave inverter, 4 AC and 8 USB outlets, and one 12V deep cycle 85 Ah battery.
Select optional features below to customize your Smart Charger:

Solar Bench Pricing
- $12,500 Black/Silver or Silver
- For a custom powder coat add $800 (We can match any RAL#)

Shipping is calculated separately, and prices vary quite a bit depending on location, quantity, and other factors, so please call for assistance with a shipping estimate. We work with customers to locate the most cost-effective and convenient domestic and international shipping methods. Please call for shipping estimates (352) 377-6527.